What is an inventory?
      An inventory is a list of everything that your landlord has provided with the property you're renting, including furniture, carpets, curtains,
appliances and kitchenware. It should also state the condition everything is in - particularly anything that was already damaged, marked or
worn before you moved in.

Why do you need an inventory?
      An inventory can help avoid a dispute over your deposit when you move out because it proves what state the property was in when you
moved in. It's in your landlord's interest to provide an inventory, as well as your own. If you break or damage anything while you are living
there, the inventory shows that it wasn't broken before you moved in. On the other hand, if anything in the property is already damaged, the
inventory proves that you didn't do it.

Who provides you with an inventory and how you can get one?
 Your landlord or letting agent should supply you with an inventory. Ask for one if they haven't done so. You should then check it carefully to
make sure that any existing damage is recorded. If you think changes to be made, discuss these with your landlord and then both of you
should sign to say you agree.
  If your landlord or agent won't provide an inventory,  you should consider employing an independent inventory clerk. Our company's job is
to make the inventory for you.  We offer competitive rates for our services. Using our services may help you if there is a dispute between you
and your landlord at the end of the tenancy.
  We will provide you with digital photos of the property (especially any existing damage) when you first move in.

Other necessary steps you need to do.  
   Before you sign the inventory, check it carefully and make a note of any damage that isn't listed. Make sure that everything in the property
is included on the inventory and that there is nothing listed on the inventory that you can't find in the property.
   Once you are happy that the inventory is correct, make sure that both you and the landlord/agent (or an independent witness such as our
company) sign it. Keep a copy in a safe place. It's always a good idea to keep records - just in case! If there's a dispute at the end of the
tenancy they could make a big difference.